Monday, 19 July 2010

Mightily Miffed.

Okay, so I have this wonderful new toy, my Dell Streak with Google Android, and I love the thing to bits. There's just one teeny problem...

I tried to buy an app, a game as it happens, and the download failed. Okay, it happens sometimes, try again. Failed. Deep breath, okay, look online to see if there's a quick fix.

And so the bombshell hit. Hundreds of people on the Android Help Forums have been having the same problem. Some haven't been able to download anything in weeks, despite that they still get charged for the app they are trying to buy. Google moderate the forums and they have done... nothing. There were a couple of posts from over two months ago asking for further details on the problem, and asking if any other customers were having trouble.

Great, so I thought I'd e-mail Google. Nope, no such thing as an e-mail address for either Android Market or Google as a whole. No contact details at all. Eventually I called O2 in the desperate hope they could help, and they were able to give me a contact number for Google.

I called this morning and unless you know the exact extension number of the person you want to call, you get redirected back to their websites where there are loads of forums but no actual way of talking to Google themselves. After some digging I found a London address, nothing more.

So, if I want to kick Google into fixing this problem affecting so many people, do I really have to write an old fashioned pen-and-paper letter? To a company specialising in computer programmes among other things? Will they even read the damn thing?

*Head desk*

Sunday, 18 July 2010

I have no idea why I'm here.

No, really, I'm not sure why I started a blog here. I already have Facebook, Twitter, Dreamwidth and Livejournal to keep up with. Still, there's a certain relaxing feeling about getting your thoughts out for others to read.

I suppose one of my problems is that I will answer anything I'm asked as truthfully as I am able, (I won't compromise someone else), I have no secrets of my own to keep. The trouble is that no one ever asks probing questions, because society has us trained not to, so despite being incredibly open about myself I never get to actually display that side of me.

I do have a habit of referring to myself as 'Everything Pride', I'm bisexual, polyamorous, my religion is referred to as Eclectic, I'm a huge supporter of Gay Rights, Trans Pride, I'm mildly into BDSM... frankly I'm a little bit of a lot of things and completely tolerant of the rest!

I'm also about as 'out' as you can get! I have a black flat-cap stuffed full of badges, and I like to think that almost everything I am is stuck to my head for all to see. I'm working on a denim coat with more badges, and I love t-shirts that proclaim my preferences as loudly as possible.

So perhaps blogging is the internet version of t-shirts and badges, my way of proclaiming myself to the world. If so, then I like to spread the word as far as I can! In my opinion the world would be a friendlier and simpler place if everyone was Bisexual and Polyamorous!

The eagle has landed!

And so my social circle expands to include yet another blog site...
